Single release with Nicolaj Ruhnow on vocals:

From the album „Untold“ with Frank Breuninger on vocals:
songs with description (not in order of the album)

  • balanced: „Disunity“ (uptempo rough Heavy + Power + Symphonic Metal)
  • catchy: „Warrior“ (galloping Power Metal with synth hook)
  • stomping: „Far from Home“ (space-themed midtempo Symphonic Power Metal)
  • punchy: „Resurrection“ (punchy Symphonic Power Metal)
  • soft: „Ocean Twilight“ (rather slow Symphonic Metal ballad about loss)
  • fast: „Piece of Heaven“ (rough anti-war-themed Symphonic Power Metal)
  • modern: „Untold“ (rather modern riff based Symponic Power Metal)
  • hard: „2 Elements“ (contrasting Symphonic Powermetal, extreme female guest vocals/screams)

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stream or get the album „Untold“ here on other platforms (click this link and scroll down to bottom of the page)

Wird mit voller Lautstärke abgespielt!
This plays at full volume!